What is a 3D Inversion?

Full 3D inversion of Airborne Electromagnetic data is a comprehensive geophysical data processing technique that fully accounts for subsurface variations in all three spatial dimensions, providing a more detailed and accurate representation of the subsurface.

Example showing 3D inversion results

How Does Full 3D Inversion Work?

In full 3D inversion, the subsurface is modeled with variations in all three dimensions (x, y, and z). The inversion process iteratively adjusts the model to minimize the difference between the predicted and observed data across all three dimensions. This iterative process continues until the model converges to a solution that best fits the observed data, ensuring a highly detailed and accurate subsurface representation.

Simulations and Gradient Calculations

All simulations and gradient calculations in this method are performed in a full 3D context. By fully accounting for the complexity of subsurface structures, full 3D inversion allows geophysicists to achieve a more precise and detailed understanding of the subsurface, leading to better decision-making in exploration and development projects.