This script performs the inversion process for the survey data. It supports both 2D and 3D inversions, with the option to check for a warm start to potentially reuse previous inversion preparation, reducing the start up time. The process is managed through Ray’s job submission system.


To run the inversion, use the following command:

python3 astrape/run/ <survey_dir> <dim> [--warm / -w]


  • survey_dir: The path of the survey directory.
  • dim: The inversion dimension (2d or 3d).
  • -w: (Optional) Including this flag will prevent searching for a warm start. A warm start uses existing results from a previous run to avoid redundant computation, speeding up the starting of an inversion process. It is enabled by default.


Run a 2D inversion with warm start enabled:

python3 astrape/run/ /path/to/survey 2d 

Run a 3D inversion without checking for warm start:

python3 astrape/run/ /path/to/survey 3d --w