Start Ray

Set up a Ray head node with the following command:

ray start --head

Set Up Folder Structure

Create a folder for the inversion, including a subfolder named ‘data’ for input files. See the survey folder structure page and the data subfolder page for more details.

├── data/
Ensure all necessary files are correctly placed in the data subfolder to avoid issues during the inversion process. See the survey folder structure page and the data subfolder page for more details.

Prepare System Configuration File

Prepare the system configuration file, which defines how to read the data and specifies the airborne EM system. Refer to the data subfolder page for details.



Perform preprocessing, which includes system configuration validation, default configuration file generation, and data validation/preparation, with the command:

python3 astrape/run/preprocess.py <survey_dir>

Ensure the ‘path_to_survey_folder’ is correct. Incorrect paths or data can lead to errors.
Please see the preprocessing script page for more details.


Modify Configuration Files

Review and modify the default configuration files. Refer to the survey configuration page, discretization configuration page, inversion configuration page, and model configuration page for details.


Run Inversion

Run the inversion with the following command for 3D inversions:

python3 astrape/run/start.py <survey_dir> 3d

or the following command for 2.5D inversions:

python3 astrape/run/start.py <survey_dir> 2d

The inversion process may take significant time based on the survey lines, parameters, and hardware.
Monitor progress by checking the inversion folder for intermediate data or the ray dashboard. See our Ray explainer for accessing the dashboard. Please see the start script page for more details.



After the inversion, perform postprocessing to generate final deliverables with the following command for 3D inversions:

python3 astrape/run/postprocess.py <exp_path> 3d

or the following command for 2.5D inversions:

python3 astrape/run/postprocess.py <exp_path> 2d

Check the deliverables folder for the final results including reports and visualizations. Please see the postprocessing script page for more details.

For the postprocessing step, the path should be the path to the experiment folder, not the survey folder. The experiment folder is created during the inversion process and is a timestamped subfolder within the inversion folder.